Artifact 1: The following artifact demonstrates a lesson plan that was successful in planning for exceptional students, and including all learners in a fun ADST activity!
ADST Hundreds Day Formal Lesson Plan
This lesson plan exemplifies an activity that was inclusive and successful on my 491 practica. This artifact was selected as it allowed for each student to get what they needed out of the lesson, and everyone had a great time and ended the lesson feeling happy and successful. I have also selected this lesson plan as an artifact as I believe that it demonstrates how I have thought out this lesson to include each student in the activities and made specific groups to fit the needs of each individual. This also shows the Universal Design for Learning that has taken place, as I was prepared for instanced where some students may have been overwhelmed by the transitions, and I made separate ADST kits for the students who needed to have fewer transitions.
Artifact 2: The next artifact that I have attached is a lesson demonstrating a clear understanding of what it means to have a reciprocal relationship.
I selected this lesson plan to share is because of the explanations that went along with it, and how the students were able to understand how important it is to share and give instead of always taking. This lesson had many opportunities for the class to make personal, deep connections with the learning. This was a lesson that they enjoyed, and I enjoyed hearing their ideas about the topic.
Artifact 3: This lesson plan was selected because it gave the students a chance to share their story that they had been working on, and also because they were reflecting on goals that they had set, and developing some new goals based on their writing.
During this lesson, the students were required to reflect on the goals that they had set for themselves and set new goals once the previous goals had been met. The students needed to connect to their own schoolwork and decide on where they skills have grown. I loved that this lesson focused on celebrating the growth of the students, and that they were happy to celebrate the learning of their classmates as well.